Hey! Listen! Tell me things!

Mar 10, 2009 22:09

Is it procrastination if it's indirectly in the service of work?
...Probably. I am clearly lying to myself when I say that this has a usefulness even remotely on par with working. There are going to be so many hastily typed LJ entries in the upcoming days. Humorous lists and questions I want to address to my flist just pop into my head unbidden these days.

So here's today's question that has probably already been asked by millions of people an equally huge number of times: What is your study playlist?

As I finally kick myself back into gear and start spending evenings at the library beating my skull against the blank white pages in OpenOffice until a thesis drips out and solidifies on the page, I'm suddenly back in the position of having to find things to listen to while I do the head-banging.

So I'm asking you. Reading this. Yes. You.
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