This post is essentially an unapologetic plug for "The Pain: When Will It End?"

Feb 23, 2009 16:45

...And I Will Plug It Til I Die.

What follows is the current reason I love this comic more than I probably love you.Perhaps you, too, have had to go without your computer and experienced the humiliation of realizing how pitifully dependent you have become on this one object. It used to be, long ago, that you had a typewriter and a stereo and a TV/VCR and a daily paper and a set of encyclopedias and maybe a secret stash of Playboys. Now all of these items are contained in one appliance, which is great as a space-saver but proves to be something of an Achilles’ heel when that appliance busts. Then the music stops, there are no more movies or TV episodes or videos of amateur milves, you can’t communicate with anyone, and you realize, now that the illusion of a life has been taken from you, that you are just a guy sitting in an empty silent room with a cat who hates you.
Go Read It.

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