It sits atop the leylines of my morbid fascination.

Nov 26, 2008 10:29

So, there's a site dedicated entirely to Rule 34 candidates... On the off chance that someone reading this is unfamiliar, Rule 34 is the Law of the Internet asserting that "there is porn of it, no exceptions." I prefer to take it alongside its first corollary, though: "not literally everything, stop asking." The real bonus, though, is the fact that it has a tag cloud.

Stare into the maw of infinite vice, mortal.

It's everything I love, all in one place! Hilarious porn! Weird people on the internet! Nostalgia for the animated shows of my youth, thrown horribly off-kilter by the perverts of the present! Opportunities for highly unscientific quasi-sociology (Sonic the Hedghog, sexier than almost anything else on Earth except for Kim Possible [apparently])!

That's pretty much all I've got on that for now. Just gonna throw that link up there and hope I'm not the only one amused.

Also, there's this. It's like jeopardy. How many characters can you recognize? Also, how long until you noticed... Captain America?
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