Sep 10, 2013 22:23
I eat to feel full
If I eat something like Cereal that doesn't make me full and keep me full for more than an hour I either don't eat it or eat something with it more than half the time it's the former
If I don't feel full I will eat more until I do
now before I say anything else just know this isn't directed and a single person it's directed at everyone whose said they were proud of me for doing this
I don't care what you say that gaining before losing weight is normal yeah it maybe normal but hey I gained TWO flipping pounds
That's no reason for u to hike up ur I'm so proud of you ur doing amazing
just because I am eating "healthier" and "exercising" doesn't mean shit I didn't start this, I didn't want to start this
But I had to because I still live at home and it was going to happen sooner or later
Had I not lived here and lived on my own and had my own car and job and place to live I wouldn't be typing this blog entry right now
So for the foreseeable future I will continue to do this: eat better food, walk and lose weight even if I have to buy diet pills for myself to take
now that that is out of the way I woke up this morning before mom's alarm but I just had to pee and then went back to bed XD
but she woke me up I got up got dressed and we went for a walk...although I wasn't very far ahead of them cuz I was still sleepy mom was like come on smile for me and I was like nuuuuu tis too early for that tis still sleepy
and then before we even got back to the porch the sun came out -_- and I was having NONE of it so I went inside and went and nuked an egg (there wasn't any cheese :( ) and had it on an english muffin (my mouth was burning afterwards I put too much black pepper on it)
went upstairs got on the computer saw more paypal and Jingit bullshit and proceeded to flip the fuck out and was unable on BOTH phones to connect to jingit so I could ask if the numbers I have are correct
today it was really super hot like mid to high 90's ok
and it was too hot to cook anything so it was either KFC or Pizza
we had Pizza :D with pepsi
so full afterwards that we waited an hour to take our after dinner walk (we were also waiting for it to get cooler)
and and yeah
that's basically it ^_^
exercise adventures,
emilys somewhat exciting,
eating healthy,
early mornings,
exercise blogging