When know that feeling you get when you wake up and you just know that day was going to suck big time? Well, that happened to me and my fear came true. I don't know what it is about Basset Hounds. They just love to eat anything...or at least mine does. Everything Daisy Mae sees, my one year old Basset Hound, she wants to eat. When we first brought her home, she even tried to eat rocks which startled even me. The dog even tries to chase down flies which is down right hilarious if you have ever seen a dog do such a thing. I swear to you, this dog is nuts but I love her that way. Her craziness is one of my favorite things. :)
Then, she developed an obsession with pill bottles which was a big problem. We had to hide all of our pill bottles because Daisy wanted them. Now, I have ADHD and a huge allergy problem so I take ADHD medicine along with allergy medicine. Every morning when I take my medication, she watches me intently. Now, it's not the pills she wants (Thank God!). It's the pill bottle. I don't know what it is but she likes them. I make a tremendous effort to put my pill bottles back into the cabinet when I get up off the couch to get work done in the morning because I know that Daisy can snatch a bottle off the coffee table and start chewing away. If she does that, she may swallow a pill and I cannot let my dog get sick, or worse, because I love her too much to let anything happen to her.
A few months prior to this, Daisy did get a hold of my mothers pain medication. It was right after she had knee replacement surgery. It was a awful experience. We took her to the vet. The vet said to give her peroxide which would make her vomit up the pills which we did. Daisy did not have a very good day when that happened and I was hysterical with tears and worry. This morning it happened again but this time it was my allergy pills. We didn't know if she had swallowed any and I was crying my eyes out because I felt so awful about accidentally leaving my pill bottle out. We called the vet and he said to give her the peroxide again. I was so upset about having to put Daisy through that again.
We did as the vet said to do and Daisy is perfectly fine. Currently, at this very moment in time, Daisy is running around the living room with her favorite toy in her mouth. :) Later, I plan to take her to the dog park as a present. I tell you, it was an awful start to the day but it seems to be getting better and Daisy is perfectly fine! Sigh...she is so much trouble but the love and joy she gives me is worth it. :)
Peace out!