Feb 11, 2008 16:00
Thank you to those who wished me congratulations. :) I was stunned to find some many responses the next morning!
It's neat (and positive) to see that nothing has changed because of it, but it's nice to feel weight around my finger again. And with plenty of time on my hands before...you now, stuff happens, I have a chance to go all out on the planning. Which makes me hyperventilate. It all depends on precise timings and certain things being accomplished by then. And if one important thing does not happen, then everything falls through. If another thing doesn't happen, then the grandeur diminishes.
Moving on.
Today was the first really nasty snow-fall in the area. We took the car as far as his work, then I caught a bus up to the top of the university hill (fraking universities and their hills). Ouch. Nasty snow. Horrendous to drive in, and I'm glad that he's such a good driver. I guess winter driving experience tends to...uhm...make you capable of driving in the white sh*t? (Which means that I'm up on the abysmally frozen hill until 9:30pm. Lovely. Go evening classes. A friend gave me a ride down to my boy's work and I spent lunch with him, then caught the bus up again.)
A Canmorite joke comes to mind about the snow.
I'm at the stage of calling it blasphemous names and wanting to get out of here asap.
Which is probably why I'm studying even harder for a career choice that I hope to get into once I've graduated. And I am going to have to get myself moving about the GRE (lovely little exam that I have to take pre-psych grad-school). And the LSAT. Oi. Some days, it does not feel worth opening all of those doors, but I know that it would be academically suicidal not to apply to absolutely everything that I can. Last term of student loans is going specifically to tuition, books, and grad- and law school applications.
However, my GPA is pretty high, and I will likely be able to get an honours degree. (OMGOMGOMGOMG) That would mean...five courses per term until I'm done starting in May. (Go job stability, go.) That would be very good - hard, but good. I'll see about getting into all the courses that I need and doing my electives (hopefully this summer). I'll see what's offered next year, too. If I can knock off seven courses this summer, I would be able to breeze through my last terms with four courses each.
If I can graduate in April 2009, I'll be happy. That means only one more infernally difficult winter. (Who am I kidding? The rest of Canada is worse. But! Large cities have far better transit, so I'll have more stable ways of getting places. Unless I live out in the boonies around those cities...which I intend to do when we purchase property. ... Okay. Chains and spiked tires and trucks, here I come. At least I'll be able to afford that after I have my B.Sc.. Damned student poverty.) But if I can't, it cuts into a lot of plans and goals. It would be...hard.
So. Midterm in two hours. Off to do a bit more reviewing.