Aug 06, 2008 17:06
After an insanely long time, it's an update!
I'm still unable to work, due to my health. Mostly because I can't drive and forget what I'm talking about after a few minutes, and have muscle tremmors, nausea, and start tripping over my feet and have vision problems if I push myself too hard. I met a wonderful naturepath who's helped me figure out exactly what's wrong, and is helping me get better.
Specifically, my adrenal glands aren't regulating my cortisol properly, nor producing enough serotonin, and somehow, it's affected my dopamine levels so they're low, too (which is why some of my symptoms matched parkinsons disease). I'm on some supporting meds that should help me recover. I'm also off Effexor. Anyone told to take it, please research it thoroughly before going on it. Effexor is VERY highly addictive, and it messed with my memory. It works really well for some, others (like me) have problems.
I'm getting better, though! *happy dance*
Brian purchased a house in Woodburn, and we get the key hopefully tomorrow. Packing, moving, figuring out what plants we can take. I'm hoping I'll continue to get better, so I can start working soon at least part time. In the meantime, Brian and Chris have been supporting me.
I've set up an account on Myspace, and OkCupid, to expand my social circle. While I was sicker than I am now, it got smaller and smaller, until the only people in my social circle lived with me. As one new aquantance mentioned, "that sounds more like a social dot than a circle". I'm also getting back into live journal.
My long term goals have changed. I eventually want to move south (less seasonal depression) to Southern Oregon (in a couple years). I would love to have a kid, but at 35, I don't know if I'll meet someone special to form a family with before I grow too old. I sincerely hope I do. I've also been looking into intentional communities. They sound great, but... I'm not vegetarian (which eliminates 70%), I love kids (which eliminates another 20%), and I'm not interested in a womens only community (which eliminates another 7%). I've found 3 that sound interesting, in the Eugene, Roseburg area. We'll see what happens in the future.
In the mean time *bows down* my sincere appologies to all my friends that I haven't replied to, or said hello to or anything for a long time. I had reasons (like depression, poor memory, and exhaustion), but looking back, they sound more like excuses. Forgive me?
*offers hugs*