
Mar 06, 2012 05:20

I was on a tropical beach, brilliant blue sea and pure white sand. I was with someone else, a boy, and we walked into the water (or was I next to the couple?) We got to a deeper bit and the boy went to dive in and I warned against it, and walked forward a little and rose up a lot on a sand bar. After that the water got deep and we swum along marvelling at all the life down there. There was coral and clams and crabs and all sorts of critters (no fish strangely) As we went on we found a set of giant purple worms gyrating around a giant piece of coral, extending well above the ocean surface. One of them saw us and started coming at us, it's face was ugly and full of teeth :( We backed away and I started shooting it, eventually concentrating my fire on it's face as that hit bar was more heavily wounded. I defeated it and we retreated to the beach. A woman in a hut there asked another group how many mines they'd flooded whilst they were out there. Obviously there was much more than what we'd seen.
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