Dec 10, 2004 10:41
Pissed at Dan A. for calling me immature and other such things. And for being a fucktard to my Monkey!!!!
Other than that my day isn't going all that badly. History sucked major ass, as did Bio.
Dr. Eliot told me he wants me to be the editor of the Rubicon (short stories, poems, photos, and art). I didn't even mention it! We were talking and he just randomly said "I want you to be the editor of the Rubicon." Made me happy.
Claire got a cameraphone. I like my phone.
OMG I almost forgot! Just to be bitchy I'm gonna put what I got for Hannukah so far:
1. A new, KICK ASS, CD player (my old one broke)
2. Barenaked for the Holidays (the Barenaked Ladies holiday CD)
3. American Standard by Seven Mary Three (has anyone ever heard of them? Please? Even Alex S. hasn't heard of them!!!)
So yea. That's life for me. Later!
Abby the song will come soon.