You Know!?

Sep 08, 2008 22:34

I don't understand why you don't want us?
Why can't you just tell me how I changed? I meen really, I don't want to move on. Not without you, I just want you to think about the big mistake your making. Jeremy just think about what I'd said. I am sorry about everything I did. I quit smoking, I am watching my anger. I am trying my hardest to so you how much I care about us. But why can't you see this. All you have to do is tell me why. You don't understand what you did to make me smile, laugh, and sometimes cry. Yout meen the world to me. I just wish I ment the samething to you.
I am missing you so much. I just want you to see this.
Just please think about what your doing.
I love you
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