Monday Evening, Room 511

Sep 04, 2006 21:23

Lyra was in the room, wrestling the folding screen she'd bought at All and Sundries into place. It cut off a corner of the room, but that was a small price to pay for a little privacy. She shook her head. Honestly, she hadn't thought that getting used to a boy rooming with her would have been so easy.

After getting it into place, she took out a small, battered journal and sat at her desk. She'd gotten into the habit of writing to Will during her year at St Sophia's. She knew he'd never read the letters; that wasn't the point. She needed to write to someone who understood what it was like, readjusting to the real world. It kept her sane in a school of girls who were vapid and overexcited with the thoughts of boys, makeup and fashion that filled their heads.

Dear Will,

Today was my first day of classes. I've been so busy preparing for them that I never wrote, these past few days. Where to begin?

On Thursday I went to tea with another Brit, Evie. She was really nice, not like a lot of the kids we've met. She's, well, she's innocent. She reminds me of Roger, a little. And after that, I went to the music store in town; I thought I'd try to find some more music like Dean had. There was a guy there dressed really strange, but then that's the least of the strange things that apparently goes on at this school. He did help me find some good stuff, though.

When I came back to the dorms, there was a ruckus in the common room, so I went to go check it out. Dean was there, and he tried to explain what was going on. Some weird fashion thing where boys (well, one boy) dressed up in girls clothes. See what I mean about the weirdness?

Monday morning, I went exploring and ended up in the fourth floor common room (I'm on the fifth floor) where I met Blair, who is a lot like Evie. Although, I think he's less naive and more determined to be the nicest person ever. He was doing 'yoga,' which is some kind of meditative exercise. And he said he'd try to help me find my negative capability again. Maybe that will help with the alethiometry. I also met a guy named Walter, who was a little patronizing. I don't think he meant it on purpose, though; he must be really used to new students not knowing anything about how it is here.

Anyway, Blair said he hadn't eaten, and since he said he'd help me, I offered to cook him breakfast. I made omlettes, just like you used to, but they were better than the first ones I made. Do you remember? There were bits of shell everywhere. I ended up cooking omlettes for the entire school, I think.

Then, the next day, I went back to Empire Records, the music shop. I know I shouldn't have, but I really like the music here. I bought a few more CDs (see? I know what those are now. And TV, too, and ATMs. I'm learning.) there, from a girl named Kaylee. After that I went to All and Sundries, where I met yet another fellow Brit, Seras Victoria. Isn't that a keen name? She helped me pick out a folding screen so that there's a bit more privacy in the room.

That's enough catching up for today. I don't have classes tomorrow, so I'll write and tell you all about the ones I had today. I hope you sleep well tonight.

I love you,

After finishing her letter, she stuffed the book under her mattress, went behind the folding screen to change into her pajamas, and climbed into bed, exhausted.

letters to will, link drop, 511

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