Dec 17, 2007 11:44
So much stuff to type but I'll mention a problem I'm having currently. My prodigal affair-having brother finally rang me. I'm okay with him and technically things should be okay because both Caz and he have separate lovers now.
His girlfriend's added me on Facebook with an excited "I'm your brother's girlfriend, hi!!!!"
I've added her, and I was going to talk quite happily...until I realised Caz is on my Facebook too. Doh. I know I could private message this girl, but I'm not really sure what I feel or I should say.
I don't know if she entirely knew Darren has a wife, but I'm certain she does. He's living with her now, so it's not me worrying about *her*. I just don't know how I should be towards her. I love Carolyn and she may have played a part in hurting her. All in all though it's Darren's fault I guess. But I can't be totally welcoming to this new girl when I still have a sister-in-law who kinda brought me up. I'm worried Caz will get emotional if she sees me socialising with this girl...but meh...if she gets upset I'll tell her the truth...I ain't got a fucking clue what to say to her lol.
In an ideal world I just wanna be nice to her because, hey, she might make me into an Auntie someday, and Carolyn has herself a snazzy foreign boyfriend now. But I'm very confused even for the sake of myself on what I should do or say :S
Help! Hehe.