May 31, 2006 23:01
For those that still read LJ in general and my LJ in particular i have an anouncement:
July 1st and 2nd: Independence day bash at Mr. B's apartment. All are invited to attend just let me know if you plan on showing up.
well life is well life I guess. Been doing a lot of the whole soul searching crap since i'm still in the process of assembling a social life up here as well as being very much single. My job is the coolest things ever(really i mean it i absolutely love my job) which from what i here is a rarity for recent college grads but I do enjoy my job which for once is a nice feeling. My rents are slowly aproching there moving day so they will be very much far away in the Tampa, FL area, which I thought wouldn't bother me that much but i have to say it will be wierd having them that far away pretty much permantly. Not much really going on but you guys feel free to call me sometime.
# is - 703-581-5265