Sep 08, 2005 22:05
things i learned on the discovery health channel:
1. men produce 300million sperm in a single day, which is also the population of the united states
2.apperently the most important thing we ever did as humans was to stand up which also changed our perception of what is sexy
3.inch for inch men have the longest penis of any primate
4.only 3% of mammals make partners for life
5.our lips are packed with more nerve endings than just about any other part of our body
6.we can distinguish 10,000 types of oders
7.the clitorus has the single most nerve endings in the human body and the only organ made purely for sex
8.the smaller a penis is when limp the longer it will grow when erect
9.the inner vaginal wall will expand to 3x the size of normal during arousal