Apr 25, 2005 21:12
I fucking HATE Verizon, I fucking HATE cellphones, and I fucking HATE the intricacies of understanding other people and them understanding ME!
I really just feel like starting over as someone else sometimes.
EDIT: Well I feel a little better about Verizon. It seems that their staff just don't understand questions however. It looked like they were preparing to send my phone out for repair instead of repairing it there or giving me a replacement (I felt there was enough waranting a replacement of the phone). So I asked "so you're sending my phone out then?" And the reply was simply "Yep."
So, I logically assumed that they were sending my phone out and I wouldn't have my phone back for a few days. I asked right then and there if they would give me a temp phone until I got mine back, and they looked at me like I was nuts and said that they haven't done that for years...
Well now I know why they looked at me that way. Their tech guy just called me up on the phone and told me that I misunderstood him. They're ordering a new phone for me instead of sending my phone out. I was supposed to keep my phone, and then send it back to Verizon when I received the new one in a few days...So I have to go pickup my phone tomorrow morning before class...
The funny thing is, I asked him if he was sending my phone out, and I asked him about a temp phone "for while my phone is out for repair". And after he had me sign the slip, I asked him "So that's it?" To which he said yup, and we exchanged goodbyes. Not one did he hand me my phone or allude to me keeping my phone with me.
So I almost feel that this is a C.Y.A. maneuver on his part because he said he tried to catch me before I left...(which I also doubt, seeing as the service station is RIGHT next to the exit and all he had to have done was walk out and yell...) but whatever. I get my phone back AND a new phone.
But I'm still aggravated.