Nov 19, 2009 03:58
First off, to get this out of the way, I've gotten some notices that some things I've posted never arrived and as such some people got angry. So. Attention, everyone. IF SOMETHING I HAD MADE FOR YOU HAS NOT ARRIVED, PLEASE LET ME KNOW. In the case of general art, I'll happily run off another one free of charge for you. If it's something else, we'll work out something.
It's gotten me paranoid now. A few people I never recieved confirmation of delivery from, so I'll be contacting as many as I can get hold of to see what's going on.
TL:DR VERSION: Australia Post sucks donkeys, I'm trying to get everything fixed up.
Dreams have been haywire, and a few I REALLY don't feel like sharing. While explaining nazi fetishism to a vampire might be entertaining, a nice dream that warps into a nightmare-within-a-nightmare isn't. And besides, there are a few things a gentleman shouldn't discuss on the internet for the sake of decency...
I had a fever a little while ago. It was a very fine fever, wavering constantly between 38 and 41 degrees Celcius. It had no actual illness to go along with it, which perplexed me, though I suppose it probably was just the final kicks of my immune system booting out that nagging bout of hacking flu-death. When the fever got above 40 degrees, interesting things happened as a result of my brain baking inside my skull (hot weather and no appetite at all added to this didn't help). I wrote down a vast amount of delirious ramblings and drew a few sketches of a couple of slight hallucinations; I'm currently still finding time to convert them into typed text and finished artworks, respectively. When I am done, I'm sure a few (more) people might start to question my sanity.
There's little more irritating than realising you just got pigeon blood all over your favorite boltcutters. I'm working on more taxidermy again, mainly it seems as a fursuit procrastination measure because I simply cannot stand to sew right now despite my pre-con obligations. In a few days, perhaps. But for now, I have completed a juvenile male blackbird and started on a pigeon, as well as an Australian chimaera gryphon-like thing to stretch my roguetax skills. If this goes well, I'll be working on a few more twisted things.
Convention is around the corner. I don't know, maybe I've just been oversaturated to the point I can't get terribly excited about it right now. My registration is paid, badges are flying here there and everywhere, rooming is still up in the air but if all floors fail I do live within public transport limits. Now I just... Wait. And see what happens with this strange beast of a convention. The whispers going around are retty much 50:50 good and bad, so I don't know what's going on. All I know is there's dumplings and bacon in it for me. And I don't have to sit at a table all day.
4am, better sleep, though I really feel a good ramble coming on.
day to day life