Picking Up, Puzzle-Pieces Working, Squee Gallery

Jun 26, 2009 17:21

Hello all.

First, I want to announce that Amber's been accepted into a gallery, I just found out a little while ago in my FA messages (damn, there are a lot of messages). She'll be able to sell her stuff through a real gallery, so go over right now and congratulate her. This is spectacular news, and everyone should be very proud of her for such an achievement. I send ehugs, which she can take whenever she likes. This is most exciting news!

I'm feeling much better today, even managed to sleep a little (camped under my desk, I like my little fort). Sleep does wonders for a brain, as does long quiet hours to think and clean the entire house. And so today, I'm smiling. Everything's going well for both Amber and me, we're both alive and healthy and looked after, and everything's gonna be okay in our individual lives, with some effort to get things rolling. I think knowing she's doing well is the thing that nudged me over into the area of "See, look, you're okay, she's okay, nothing's exploded and good things are happening, we'll both be fine so now you can stop driving yourself insane and go back to normality." In information vaccuums, I can and usually will get trapped into anxiety and terrible thoughts that I usually can't get out of without help.

I talked to Pete, which was a great help. Lancing of venom kind of stuff. A good slap around the head to shift me over closer to normality, so today when I found out about Amber's successes things could go clunk into place. Oh god, it feels good to smile.

There's a cat on my desk. Hello, Sita. You're not helping, but you're so damn cute.

My letter got read (first!) on ACTFur On Air, the best furry podcast in Australia (and the world atm, though I know/have met the cast and my knowledge is limited to only two podcasts so I might be biased). Thank you Kraden, Jen and Carni! You guys made my night, and made cleaning the house much more fun. Many hugs to each of you, and soon a picture of a frill-necked cheetah once my art mojo is duct taped back into my brain. It keeps falling out.

The creation of a taxidermy minotaur costume head *WITH MOVING JAW* by a genius on the LJ Fur Hide And Bone community has kicked me into overdrive. Must make some leatherware, NOW. I will be sculpting out a jackal face out of clay as soon as I finish cleaning, this will be usedas a solid form to build the leather mask over. I picked a jackal because the canid face is easier to do with a single piece of leather, which is what I want to do (absence of seams = more difficult but more win). And then there is the acquisition of heads from the knackery and a very nice man at a local meat processing place (cattle might be easier to start off with... plus, horns, brilliant). Oooh, I get all twitchy just planning it.

Hello to Tangie. I liked talking to you yesterday, was great fun. :)

Well, back to cleaning for me.

day to day life, weirdness, work, emotion

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