Apr 14, 2009 02:41
Both were only semi-lucid due to a generally interrupted sleep cycle. My memory doesn't serve me so well at such times. Where have all the vampires gone.
The first, worryingly, involved tooth loss again. I had a pain in a couple molars, my lower back right to be more specific. Poking and scratching at them helped a little, though it did nothing useful but still the odd itch inside the teeth, and eating was out of the question entirely. I set my mouth open wide to examine myself in the mirror, as I often do in real life purely to admire the strange savage prettiness I find in rows of pointy teeth.
Amber came into the bathroom and said that they'd have to come out and that I should go to the dentist. I did not want to go to the dentist; no one touches my weapons, and by extension my teeth, but me. This was brushed off as silly, and despite my protests and threats to bite fingers off Amber reached into my mouth (which somehow easily accomodated her hand up to and past the knuckles) and took hold of one of the offending teeth, pulling it loose easily with a soft, meaty slipping sound. While I watched in horror in the mirror, I saw short yellow bone spires laid bare protruding from my gums where the tooth should have been, stained with brown and black. The next tooth, a wisdom tooth at the back, was taken just as easily while I sat in shock.
I was angry; I needed them to eat, to bite, and I was sure they would have gotten better on their own as they always did in real life. The bone spires retracted away into my gums, shunning the exposure, and I couldn't bring them up again. I tongued the holes in my toothline uselessly, growled impotently and felt old and useless.
There was a phone noise that woke me. I don't know what exactly now. I think a text message. I went back to sleep soonish, after a little shuffling and turning.
There was a wedding of some kind. I wasn't particularly certain whose; something to do with Dorian, obviously, since he asked me to come along with him. There seemed to be much of his family there; not that I'd met them in real life, my subconscious mind seemed to just assign random faces to names Dorian said. A good many grated on me terribly, which Dorian seemed to know. They were not terribly kind to him, it seemed, and on a few occasions Dorian would stand behind me while I sat, wrapping arms around my neck and shoulders in what looked to be purely for affection's sake but seemed to be more to stop me lunging across and tearing off someone's face. I was well-behaved.
There was a man, older-looking with mostly-blackish hair and a well-lined face, talking to him and I at one point; I forget what was said, which meant it was probably more for Dorian's ears than mine. I liked this man better for some reason. He had a plate with a well-cooked softshell crab on it in front of him, and I was captured with watching his method of opening the shell and eating it. It appeared somehow stuffed with saffron rice and the shell gave way under the fork with little resistance at all. One was brought to me a little later, which I shared somewhat with Dorian despite his lack of appetite; it was very tasty.
The rest was somewhat nonsensical to me, mainly involving some kind of wedding preparations or other, things I didn't quite follow but I walked along beside Dorian as these things were being told to him nonetheless. There was a large hall in which said organisation was happening, and towards the end of the night cot beds and sleeping mats were brought out. Dorian chose a camping-style sleeping mat by the corner of the room; I tucked myself into a thick blanket I found and curled up near him, hands crossed at the wrists beneath my chin and keeping watch over things while Dorian slept. People muttered in corners and occasionally looked in our direction, but I couldn't seem to understand words. I flicked my tail in annoyance and decided not to sleep, preferring to make sure nothing happened to Dorian while he was asleep. I did not like the muttering sounds. Dorian's hands twitched.
My birthday was/is the 13th of April, depending on your respective date line proximity. Here in Australia, it's just been, though if I count the U.S I have another day.
Mum gave me a new MP3 player, which I have been needing since the old one died and was subsequently taken apart and not put back together again. It is two inches tall by one wide, and is black with red accents. Mum also gave me an old towel for taxidermy purposes, a bunch of large ziploc bags for same, a crime novel, a large pack of Fererro Rocher, a DVD of Death Proof, a bottle of L.A Ice cola, a jar of peanut butter and $20 in Australian currency. I was pleased, very pleased, with all of this.
Into the city tomorrow, to see a second cousin from a train onto a bus, which will take him to a plane, which will eventually take him back to the jungles in the northern islands where he has lived as a Buddhist monk for a few years hence. Interesting man who before this used to be a drummer in a rock band from Tamworth. His name used to be Kevin, but he has a new name now and I cannot wrap my mind and tongue around it.
It's been a strange sort of day. Nice, not unpleasant. Just... Beige. Feels like Zydrate.
Enough for tonight. Happy birthday to me, and to Karmicbunny. The former being 19, the latter being 20.