I'm not crazy, I really have imaginary (invisible) visitors of my lj!

Jun 13, 2010 23:55

Mwahahahaha! (doesn't sound crazy at all, right?)

Sorry about that. It's just that I'm having so much fun with live journal right now. I discovered I can change a few thing in it (can you find the changes to my lj?) and I have been doing that for the past half an hour, so I also checked My Guests list.

And imagine my surprise, when I say that someone had visited my lj page (no, it's someone else besides you, aakyn , love).

It's an invisible guest! :D I'm not making the name up it actually says: Invisible guest    June  14 2010, 13:02

Now, my first thought was, how can one even find my account without me giving him/her the link to my live journal or my account name. What has this person entered in the search bar for one of the hits to be one of my entries? And my second thought was, why are you hiding? I don't bite. Really. It's always exciting to find that someone has stumbled upon your journal and then you thank them by visiting their journal as well. At least I do that, because I'm curious how the person found my journal. It's usually just some people from the communities I frequently visit or people who's fanfiction updates I stalk. That didn't sound right. But it's the truth. I'm a stalker alright? (lol) I shouldn't sound so proud of it.
So, people, don't hide your accounts. Let others find you and maybe that way your journal will be famous one day (yeah right). But you may meet some fun people and make friends.

Love makes the world go round.


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