Having only quick post entries in my lj is no fun, but I had no idea what else to write about. But then Halloween came along and it gave me a good idea for an entry.
We have pumpkins every year and I cut out the faces by myself every year and produce very good and scary pumpkins, I decided to share my creations with everyone willing to read (acknowledging) my lj entries. You can be the judge of my art and see if I am bragging or not (I'm not very good at many thing, so I am very proud of my 'pumpkin art' as I like to call it).
Cutting Halloween pumpkins is a very long process. Especially if you have a pumpkin as big as mine (this year's pumpkin was the biggest one I ever cut). I had many problems, since it was big it was also very heavy, I had troubles moving it around. See for yourself how big it was:
To cut such a big pumpkin one needs a big knife:
This knife was used only to cut the pumpkin open. To cut out the face I used different, smaller knives. This year I was the one to clean the inside of the pumpkin. Usually my mum did it, but she didn't have time, so I had to do it by myself for the first time. I don't know if anyone has ever seen the inside of the pumpkin but if you haven't let me tell you: You do NOT want to see it. It's gross and slimy and blahhh....When I was cleaning it out I thought to myself that I would rather be a brain surgeon that to scrape all that out. It would have been an easy job, if my mother hadn't requested to take the seeds out, so she could plant them. The experience was...quite disturbing if you have such a wild imagination as me. I don't want to do that ever again.
Coming up with an idea what kind of a face to cut out of the pumpkin is a challenge by itself every year. I make a different pumpkin every year and I wanted to make this one very original since it was a special pumpkin (so big and we got it from my mother's coworker). For quite some time I was lost at what to do. And then an idea struck me. After another hour of hardwork this is what I made:
Can you by any chance recognize them? Don't be confused, this was cut out of one pumpkin but since it was so big I decided to cut out two faces.
I hope the one on the left is obvious (if you had ever watched Bleach):it's Zaraki Kenpachi.
The other one didn't come out as good as I hoped it would: it's Hiruma from Eyeshield 21.
I have to thank my brother for giving me an idea to cut out anime faces. And one of the most scary/funny faces I have ever seen are these two characters. I loved the idea of cutting out anime faces so much that I am probably going to do the same next year.
After I finished cleaning after the mess I made, I played around with the camera and made some good and interesting photos I decided to share with you all:
If I turned off the lights, this is how they were seen at night. All glowing, quite scary, right?
Then I went retro (black and white):
From these photos you can't actually see that this is one pumpkin, so let me share last few photos of the whole pumpkin with you:
I hope you liked this post as I did in creating this halloween decoration. Can't wait for next year, really. I have so many good ideas right now. Why is Halloween only once a year? :P
What kind of a Halloween pumpkin did you make?