Incubus Drabbles: Drabble #4

Sep 14, 2007 20:58

Title: Incubus Drabbles: Drabble #4
Pairing: Harry/Draco
Genre: Romance, humor, some angst, lots of fluff
Rating: Changes for each drabble.  NC-17! for this one.
Warnings: Still no beta.  Boy-on-boy sex, use of potions for nefarious purposes, mild bondage, Harry bottoms in this one... at first
Summary:A series of drabbles about the lives of Harry and Draco after the end of Incubus Anxieties.  The first couple of drabbles take place before the epilogue of IA, just to be confusing.  Summary for this drabble:  Harry learns that there are some disadvantages to having a potions master as a lover... or would they be perks?
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or associated characters, nor do I own the world in which they live

This will make a lot more sense if you read Incubus Anxieties first.  Go here to catch up on the drabbles.

Incubus Drabbles
Drabble #4: The Love of a Potions Master

Harry Potter, the savior of the wizarding world, could not believe he was in this position.  He strained against the bonds securing his wrists and ankles, his thoughts frantic as sweat poured down his body.  How long was he going to be held captive?  It felt like he had been tied up here for hours.  He opened his eyes and searched through the darkness for his captor, but even with an incubus' enhanced vision, he could not find him

“Draco... damnit... please!” he panted.  Out of nowhere he felt a tongue swipe against his hip and he cried out, jerking against the silken ties that kept him from pouncing on Draco and having his way with him that very instant.

“Oh come on, Harry,” Draco had said earlier that evening, dangling a red-and-gold tie in one hand and a green-and-silver tie in the other.  “It'll be fun.  It'll be exciting!”

Harry now decided that he was going to kill him.

“You do know I'm going to murder you once I get out of this, right?”  Harry growled at his lover.

“Well, that's not much incentive for me to let you go anytime soon, now is it?”  Draco commented.  Harry could hear the smirk in his voice.

“I hate you.”

“I love you, too,” Draco told him, knowing full well Harry didn't mean a word of it.

“Please, Draco,” he begged one more time.  Suddenly Draco was there, right next to him, only inches away but Harry still couldn't reach him.

“Do you know the best part about having a lover who's a potion master?”

Oh, God.  This couldn't be good.

“N-no,” Harry stuttered.  “What?”

“Because I can brew up potions that are all sorts of fun to use during sex.”

Oh, God.

“Like the one in my hand, for instance, that can keep you from coming for hours, no matter what I do to you.”

Oh, God; oh, God; oh, God.

“Oh, God,” Harry moaned, finally putting the mental litany into words.

“Oh, I'm not God, Harry,” Draco murmured seductively, gray eyes glinting in the darkness.  “I am much, much worse.”

Five hours later found the savior of the world as we know it sprawled across the bed, absolutely soaked with sweat.

“Do you still want to murder me, Potter?” Draco asked slyly, lying just as exhausted next to him.

Harry grimaced.  It was funny how Draco's smirk was nearly tangible, despite the fact that he was panting heavily.  He turned so he could look Draco in the eyes, and gave him a smirk of his own.  In one lightning-fast movement, he held the half-empty flask in his hand.

“What fun would it be to kill you?” he asked, dangling the flask in front of Draco's nose.  “I'd much rather get revenge.”

Draco's gulp was audible and Harry, whose green eyes were beginning to glow again chuckled low and evilly in his chest.

incubus drabbles, h/d, harry potter fanfiction

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