Apr 27, 2008 13:04
Are you kidding me?
Metal Gear Online Beta released on 4/25
Mario Kart Wii released on 4/27
GTA IV released on 4/29
I guess you won't be seeing me for a while then.
Metal Gear Online is something special, it's the only one of those three I've managed to play thus far, although my copy of Mario Kart Wii is waiting for me at GameCrazy and I'm sure my copy of GTA IV is already sitting in the drawer at Toys 'R Us.
I'm having a little trouble with playing the game well, but that maybe because I'm too impressed with the atmosphere to focus. What's really been holding me back is that, for some reason, 'O' was changed from being the primary fire button. Normally you will see the occasional change to the default control scheme in games from their previous installments, but changing the primary fire button is a huge step.
I think I had more fun the the previous Metal Gear Online though. For some reason, the Sneaking game mode wasn't included in this beta. I don't know if it will in the future, but it's a noticeable absence because of how innovative that mode was. Either way, I'm super impressed with how it looks, if not so much for how it plays.