Two Annoucements

Jan 27, 2009 06:09

So the other day akapinkie posted that I was teh awesomest, but that she'd let me explain why.

The short short verison- I got a promotion..

The long verison- I review and clear all the title for my team at work, and the company has recently decided to create a department dedicated entirely to resolving issues like that. I have been promoted to be manager of the title portion of that department (durodragon, you may have TF but now I have minions of my own, MUWAHAWHAHAH!! Ahem.). I haven't moved over to the new team yet (they need to clear a cube for me which will happen shortly), but I'm very excited about this new opportunity for me.

Also, I have grown a beard for the winter. Hey, a guy's gotta keep his chin warm somehow!!

That is all.
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