To the greatest woman in my life

Jul 19, 2008 07:42

A is for the artist in you. I've never known someone more artistically talented than you.
K is for the kindness you extend to everyone in the world. It is a rare thing the way you do it.
A is for the ambition you show me. I honestly believe you can do anything you want to my love.
P is for the way you pout. I'm sorry sweetie, it's just utterly adorable!
I is for all of the intelligent discussions we have. I love how we can talk about anything anytime.
N is for nom nom pop pop.
K is for the way you let me be your knight in shining armor
I is for the innocence you share with me every day
E is for the enthusiasm with which you live your life

These last five years have been filled with joy, sorrow, frustration and excitement. I couldn't ask for a better help-mate and life partner on the journey of life.

Happy Fifth Wedding Anniversary darling.

I love you.

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