I had to reflect on this because I haven't read anything this compelling/refreshing in a while. Though I must admit that after I initially read the summery for it I wasn't expecting much but boy was I ever surprised by the turning events/plot twist. The characters were so intriguing especially Kai, he had an air of mystery around him and I couldn't wait to unfold it. Cys is quite frank in his personality and I admire that about him. Jin is like a cat but a good one to have around. What struck/impressed me most (and there were many aspects) is the mangaka's sketchy art style and how fluent it was, she really knows how to capture and execute the flow of movement in her work and because of this, it felt like I was watching the characters come to life. They're beautifully drawn and so visually appealing. I also enjoy the realism of the character's personalities and their ever so engrossing situation, it was wonderful to watch it all unfold bit by bit and just at the right pace (I literally got goosebumps at the sight of their intimate scenes). This is definitely worth reading again!