Don't bring a third wheel without...

Sep 14, 2012 11:28

Giving notice to your date/party! Long story short, my friend had a date with this guy that she's known for about two weeks now but she didn't want to be alone with him so I was dragged-tagged along. Needless to say that he was not too happy to see me (and I found out later on that she did not give him any notice that I would be accompanying her which I thought was pretty rude). Neither of them could decide on where to go and I tried to help with some suggestions but was shot down every time. Finally after a 1/2 hour or so he said/made up some story about forgetting something 'important' with his work (clearly a scapegoat but whatever works for you man) and said that he would call her to set up another date or something along those lines. I'm pretty sure that she felt bad as she should and I'm also bummed that I wasted my Thursday night considering that I've got to work tomorrow.

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