Title: Hello~~ The Boss’ Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay Jay will start now keke
T.T First of all…Everyone!! What are you doing now~~I miss you all ..!!
Right now I’m using this Japanese notebook.. Then I changed the language to Korean and writing now keke
Right now..It’s been about 6 days after we arrived to Japan..
Even thought we’re still lacking in Japanese and we’re still studying it now…
I still have to give it my best, right?!
Ah! You guys had left some messages and cheers about the 200th day anniversary..
I’m really thankful.. We’re also totally in nation-boy smile keke
It makes me wonder…I’m feeling good that you guys had been giving us some good words from 100th day until 200th day…ha
We will be The Boss who will we able to pay back even more^^
Fighting~~ Thank you^^
Title: Hello this is The Boss’ Injoon-goon~~
This is my first message after we arrived at Japan~~~
Even though we’re still trying to adapt with Japan!! Somehow I’m feeling a new feeling~
Those who are curious about our news, and those who still leave some messages for us even though we’re not in Korea. You guys are our strength.
Seems like it’s been a while since our 100th day T.T T.T And now 200th day~~~>_< Wow
This really makes me wonder hahahaha I’m also feeling good`~
We will upload more news and videos about us in Japan~~
Since we’re planning to raise this official cafe~~
It would be great if you guys could change your regrets~~~~~~I really really miss you all~~~~~~
I will always keep in mind to work hard~`And we will give you a loads of good news~
I will work harder, I love you guys~~~>_< The messages for 200th debut days were the best~
Title: This is Karam~~~~~kekeke
Everyone, it’s been a long time~^^
Because we’ve been back and forth to Japan, we have no time to visit our own cafe.. T.T keke
At first my body was not feeling well because I couldn’t adapt well T.T~ But now I eat my meal about 4-5 times a day^^ hehe
We’re adapting to Japan slowly and also keep improving our Japanese ^^
We will work hard and spread The Boss and our songs in Japan before we come back.
Until that time, fighting for you and us!!^^
Title: This is Mika!!^^
It's been a long time, everyone T.T
I missed you guys!!
We arrived at Japan
At I can't concentrate easily because of our busy schedules T.T
Are you guys doing well??
Are you living well without us?? keke
It was a joke T.T
You have to be well!!
Don't worry because we're doing good here!!
Take a good care of your health!!
Since you want us to show a 'better' shape of us by hard-working,
Don't catch a cold!!
Please wait!!
I love you!
Source: Official Fancafe
Translation: dianapetrina@enchanteDNA.com