Feb 01, 2005 12:08
I am going to be emo right now. I feel like crying, screaming, and most off all, being held. I don't know why I feel this way (except for the being held part, I always want to be held, but that's beside the point). I feel like everything I try to do always goes wrong, and no one ever helps cause I they can effing do if just like yell at me for w/e I ve done wrong, even if its not on purpose, and I don't work well being yelled at, and theres only like 2 ppl who understand me and I like being around them and then ppl accuse me of liking them when I don't and so I don;t hang around them and so my world is just a glum little cloudy place that has no airport so I can run away and theres no where to hide, and if i can hide for even just alittle while, the walls just fall down around me and I feel like shit again...and I hate this little world. I don;t want to be there any more...