Snippet: Visiting (WK)

Jun 16, 2005 14:53

For mistressrenet, a snippet:


Mamoru knelt quietly on the polished floor, his face calm and composed. No one watching would think he was anything other than politely waiting. Inside, he was seething. He knew where this was going. He'd be left here, with people who didn't know anything being sent in to check on him. They'd string him along as long as they could, just so their damned head of family could laugh behind his languid hand that he'd kept the head of Takatori on his knees for a whole day. Mamoru had had enough. He got up and stalked out of the elegant hall, waving away an anxious young man who came to see what was happening.

"Where is Naoe-san?" Mamoru said, dreading the reunion. Nagi hadn't taken the request to leave Mamoru unguarded very well.

"The family doesn't like people not specifically invited to remain on the estate," the young man said.

"You threw him out? Your hospitality is everything it's rumoured to be." Mamoru pulled on his shoes and walked out, marching across beautiful lawns, carefully swept paths and one exquisite flower-bed as he went. He hoped they were getting the message. Without waiting for assistance he flung the gate open. And found himself face to face with an armed stranger.

Nagi wasn't there and then he was, and Mamoru was shoved down and the noise of the man's automatic pistol stopped as the bullets ricocheted off the air in front of Nagi's face and buried themselves back in the assailant. Mamoru moved cautiously, and found he was still being telekinetically held down as Nagi scanned the area.

"Get up," Nagi said at last.

Mamoru climbed to his feet and stared in shock at the assassin's body. People were running towards them; Nagi was looking very angry and very dangerous.

"It's all right," Mamoru gasped, before Nagi could puree innocent bystanders.

"Takatori-sama!" the young man from the house shouted. "Are you all right?"

"I'm fine," Mamoru said as Nagi took his arm to tow him away.

"Takatori-sama, please come back to the house. Akito-sama will see you now."

"Tell Sohma Akito that if he wants to see Takatori Mamoru he can damn well come onto Takatori territory," Nagi said abruptly. "And tell him his security is shit. Got that?"

They all looked shocked to silence. Mamoru decided that the laughter he suddenly had to restrain was probably just a reaction to almost being murdered.

crossover, weiss kreuz

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