Oct 18, 2006 00:28
With the Dino Dash and the EL Pumpkin Trot behind me, it's time to plan for my next races. My last two times were 25:05 for the Dino Dash (a new record considering my time for the Race for the Place 5K was actually 25:06 despite my belief it was 25:05), and for the Pumpkin Trot, a miserable 28:09, but that makes sense since I limped most of it. My calves have been hurting. I need to get back into my training, I've slacked the last few weeks. I have planned for at least five more races for this year, at least while I'm here in Lansing. On October 28th is the Pi Mile 5K which according to the flyer will net me a free meal at Chipotle. Then the next day on the 29th is The Monster Dash 5K. This should be a great race, the proceeds are going to Area 8 Special Olympics and the American Brain Tumor Association. Plus we get to dress in costume! After that I will have the Ann Arbor Turkey Trot on November 12th. This race is in Ann Arbor and includes a 10K as well as a 5K. I'm actually considering trying for the 10K since I've been wanting to try one, and I'm never going to work up to a half marathon and eventually a marathon unless I start moving up in my races. There is also an 'Iron Turkey Classic' which combines the 10K and 5K times. Basically you run them back to back. I don't think that's for me just yet, but who knows, that's like a month away. Following that race is the 2006 Run Like the Dickens 8K and 5K in Holly, MI on December 10th. If I do the 10K before that, I will probably go for the 8K as well, but we will have to see. I will probably look for a race around Thanksgiving somewhere at home, and one closer to Christmas too if I can. As far as training goes I need to run more during the week and get to the gym more often. Also I need to focus on eating right so that I can build my muscles up (though my calves are looking nicer). In the meantime my search for a running partner continues. Lexi isn't cut out for running, but I appreciate her support at the races. :-) I need to find someone to train with and run with at the races. Until then I shall keep with the solo thing.