Aug 17, 2005 00:51
I am righteously bored. I have spent the last several hours carving out
a nice little Jon impression in the feeb farm couch. It is not a spot
that I enjoy, but I really have no other option. Coworker and dfeeb were
out for the evening and someone had to ride herd with the other feebs.
Sfeeb and cfeeb were tired and stayed in their rooms, reducing the
amount of interaction and drama in my life. There was a slight problem
with jfeeb professing a desire to return home, but the et call was never
made. He retired to his dukes and stayed there until bed call. Dfeeb had
an episode in which his pills made him a little nutty. We were all left
wondering about the bad brown pill and its heavenly effects. Coworker
and I were tempted to pop depokte, but that shit is surreal and we did
not want to trip into each other. Besides, they count the pills.
What's a feeb rancher to do when his herd is passive? Well, this feeb
rancher wrote some much needed letters. One went to a former professor,
talking about life in general and how life is so much better with the
glamorous t. The other letter jetted to turkei, where a very happy meral
will devour it. I have requested a gift from turkei for t. I do hope
meral sends it. I will, of course, will have to return the favor. I
think t will like this particular gift, if it deigns to show. I have
much more writing to do before the hour is past. I told t that I would
write her something, and I intend to let the words drip from my fingers
like compliments flow after a fred astaire dance. I may decide to wait
on that letter until I get home, so that my fingers can tiptoe through
the tulips with the greatest of ease. Thumb mashing is for wars, not for
letters of nauseating cuteness.
Rosencratz and I were discussing the news. He asked what I thought of
the israeli pullout. The funny thing was that I couldn't muster an
emotion. Frankly my dears, I didn't give a shit. Oddly enough,
rosencratz shared my lack of concern. Lately, I've been feeling
disconnected from the world. I'm off floating in my little bubble of
self-loathing, self-worthlessness, love, and financial reamings. Its
funny how much ones self esteem is tied to his job situation. T does
much to make me happy, but sometimes a man needs more than a woman,
although the woman is plenty fine. I need something to make me feel
worthwhile. I need something to make me feel alive. I need a new
motorcycle, a road trip, and an evening with t in bed. I also need a
decent job. Law school comes calling and I'm scrambling to heed.
I'm watching puppets fuck. This is one of the highlights of my day. This
is kind of sad. The jude law puppet just ate his kid. And, now, the
obligatory band. I hope he doesn't initiate conversation with the band
leader. That would be just mortifying.
I really, really, really need to get out of this state for a bit. The
brown has got me down.
~ I was not made to live anywhere except paradise ~