Title: Neither Fight Nor Fly
Rating: R (For: a nongraphic sex scene in the beginning and then the entire thing isn't anymore than a "Teen" rating)
Word Count: 3,762
Characters/Pairings: Percy/Annabeth (with background appearances from Nico, Rachel, and others)
Summary: Just because you've faced the worst doesn't mean nothing scares you. Five times in Percy's mortal life he thinks he'd rather face Kronos again.
A/N: Direct companion to
Bad Penny, but I think it can stand on it's own. Reading that might give you some context for some mentionings in this one. Warnings for the not-really-graphic sex scene and also babies at the very end. Because apparently I write babyfic now, who knew?
(His bedroom is too hot. Percy feels almost dizzy, like the air is too heavy, like it’s not enough for his racing heart...)