I Saw a Light [Apollo/Artemis/Zoë] Fanfiction Lovers100

May 22, 2011 20:10

Title: I Saw a Light.

Author: sistergrimmel and pennyofthewild.

Characters/Pairing: Apollo/Artemis/Zoë.

Genre: Angst/Hurt/Comfort.

Warnings/Spoilers: If you haven't read the end of The Titan's Curse, don't read this. PG-13 for implications of incest.

Notes: 1,022 words. Feedback GREATLY appreciated!

Summary: To love at all is to be vulnerable. Try telling that to the immortals.


series: percy jackson and the olympians, het, character: apollo, femslash, ship, genre: romance, genre: angst, pimp, book: the titan's curse, genre: friendship, rating: pg-13

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