Title: Book of Facts
Character/Pairing: Percy Jackson, with Percy/Annabeth on the side
Rating: PG
Summary: He is not alone, the list assures him, and he’ll never be alone so long as he remembers. Post-TLH.
Notes: For
31_days. Spoilers for The Lost Hero.
The memories that do come back to him creep into his mind in the twilight moments, when he’s on the verge of falling asleep or slowly waking from a long dream. )
Title: Steps to Seduction
Character/Pairing: Nico/Rachel
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Nico can’t help but think, as she bends to kiss him, that if whatever’s going on between them right now is supposed to be wrong, he would never ever want to be right.
Notes: For
31_days. Set in the same universe as and sort of a sequel to
Tribute to Flo’s Meatloaf Surprise, where Nico and Rachel go cross county monster hunting a la the Winchesters during college.
After all, she was Apollo’s sworn Oracle. She wasn’t exactly supposed to be pushing sons of Hades up against ice machines and kissing them witless. )