Jan 07, 2009 21:17
We officially said good bye to comcast. Super done with them...well at least for internet. Only problem is that we can't get the modem for our new internet until Sunday so here I sit at a coffee shop working on my grad applications. (I'm waiting for something to download, hence the killing time before really attacking the apps...again...sigh). At any rate.
So I got such a kick out of Ali's and Beth's randomage blogging that I decided to do a bit of my own.
(But maybe I'll play with the formatting)
Sitting in a coffee shop on a hard chair at 9:00 a night.
Clothing-amazing multitude of layers. A) its Minnesota and its freezing and b) I'm sleepy from all the dedication of grad applying and when I get sleepy I get chilled really easy. So I have on a wife beater, my 'what's the dillie-o" t-shirt, a blue thermal (ilons) and my Independent hoodie, a pair of gray gym pants, jeans, and warm fuzzy penguin socks on. Rock the warmth.
If this cold shit continues I'm going to have to break down and buy long underwear
Oh by the way I have a new laptop. I had to wait to blog about this but work gave us all ipod touches for our holiday presents (or did I blog about this...damn my memory slips lately). Anyways I already have an ipod and an ipod touch is really cool, but an ipod touch and an ipod seemed....a waste. However I was in desperate need of a laptop if (goddess willing) I get into grad school, so hence the purchase of a new mac. My first mac. Its...different. I can't lie, I'm excited for the possiblity of getting into the U again and buying xp for like...$5. Damn you Bill Gates.
Ilon and I are going to write a book together. FYI
My friends from Japan are in town. I'm so excited I can't wait to see them.
I have to loan my mother $800. It sucks.
My butt hurts from the chair.
Ok enough procrastination. Work to do.