Jan 21, 2006 16:34
I hate the way I feel right now.
I want to cry from stress, and lack of a social life, and because I feel like I am missing out on Boston as a city because I am stuck on campus so much, but at the same time, I feel stupid for feeling that way. I really want to find a friend. I mean just one good friend that I feel like I can call up and be like lets go somewhere. Maybe I am just too picky about who I hang out with...but I want to be kind of selective don't I?
Housing lottery is also coming up, and I don't have a roommate, or a potential eight man suite. I am really not going to enjoy these next few months. The drama has already started with the girls, and I don't think I can handle it.
I find out if I made the Jamaica trip either Monday or Tuesday and that makes me nervous as well.
My classes are all good so far. My new Bio professor is really good, and I am actually enjoying the class now. Reading and teaching young adult and adolescent literature is concerning me a little because the class is all seniors, but I am hoping that I can deal with that, because there is nothing else to take. My history class is going to be great. The professor is absolutely amazing. He is so funny. Chem is so so, kind of boring, but then again, its chem and is not really interesting in lecture format. My lab TA is from Belarus, and I am having a really hard time understanding her. Her Russian is good, and so apparently is her German, but neither of those helps me. I am on my last semester ever of Spanish, though, and that makes me happy, and a little sad, at the same time. Don't get me wrong though, I will not be taking it again. Ever.
Ok, so this is a little bit of a random entry from what I am thinking right now, and I know it sounds nuts, but this is all that my brain in making me deal with right now. I can't handle all of this....!