(no subject)

Jan 23, 2008 09:57

Been awhile, eh?

I'm happily married now and everything is great on that front. We're still living in Fort Wayne and looking for a new apartment complex to call home because our current location is just a little scary and our neighbors are just a lot too loud and annoying.

For the Outpost people out there on my friends list, they've made me their chief. Iain and I are in the process of moving everything to a new server and getting rid (hopefully) of a lot of red tape and middle management bloat in the process. Of course if you care then you're probably already up to speed.

I decided back when we moved up to Fort Wayne that I wanted to learn how to draw in Photoshop. I'd gotten the hang of the program using a mouse, but my longtime interest in comics and webcomics coupled with the almost-success of a website that was hampered by the fact that people aren't inclined to read through a wall of text to get a joke prompted me to head to Best Buy and purchase a Wacom tablet.

Then I promptly forgot about it after about a month, only to pick it up again in December. I've upgraded to a new tablet and spent time in the learn to draw books, and this is the first I've come up with just by going off a reference:

That'll probably wind up as a more conservatively attired character model for the comic I've been scripting. I definitely need to keep up the practice, but this one turned out pretty good imo.

I'll try to keep this up more often. I just tend to get distracted from LJ for years at a time.
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