Chalk another one up to scaremongering and parents who aren't willing to do any parenting.
The lady they mention by name in the article seems like she has it together. It's these people who really bother me:
Other parents, however, complain that Nintendo's scheme is unsatisfactory, and that the Wii browser lacks a "cyber-nanny" or filtering function.
Like it's Nintendo's job to make sure your little darling doesn't use his new toy to "accidentally" get to porn. These new gaming systems connect to the Internet. The Internet has porn. If you don't want your kids to get into that sort of thing then perhaps it's a good idea not to download the web browser at all? The Nintendo Virtual Console is a standalone network that's completely independent of the bad porn mongerers out there on the scary Internets. If little Johnny suddenly wants to be able to browse the web with a cumbersome controller and no keyboard I'd be damned suspicious anyways. Be a parent and don't blame the manufacturer when they don't do your job for you.