Dec 29, 2006 00:20
First off I'd like to apologize for slacking off on the journal. I was going well for a few weeks there and then dropped entirely off the face of the earth as I'm wont to do on Livejournal. I'm back now, huzzah and all that.
I finally went over to the Dark Side and actually purchased and Apple product. It's been a long time coming, but I was hoping that someone would come up with a viable mp3 player that would replace the iPod. That never happened so I spent my Christmas money that had been intended for a Wii on a new 30GB video iPod. Other than a downloadable version of the ever popular but extremely rare Sega Genesis game Toejam & Earl there isn't anything I'll be playing on the Wii until well into the next year. The console has an insane amount of promise, but it seemed silly to plop down the cash when there was nothing I'd play on it.
The iPod, on the other hand, has been quite nice. It's a vast departure from my clunky Dell mp3 player. Its chief advantage is that it plays songs that come in the proprietary iTunes format, so I can finally make full use of that wonder of modern technology. The Dell mp3 player was just that, an mp3 player. Other formats sent it into conniptions. Of course the down side to this is that I now have access to an unlimited number of albums and songs that I've always wanted to own and it's only a click and a credit card charge away. I will have to exercise a great deal of restraint with this awesome new power.
The syncronizing is also terribly convenient. I make playlists in iTunes and the songs are automatically added to the iPod if they're in the iTunes library as opposed to having to drag and drop everything into the Dell player and set up separate playlists by hunting through every song on the machine for the one track that I'd just copied over. It was much like searching for a needle in a haystack and became quite annoying. I've also discovered that all of my favorite NPR shows are available via podcast so I don't have to tune in at the exact time they're on to keep up on the latest news.
Here's hoping everyone else had a great Christmas as well, and a bah humbug to all of you out there who are glad to see the holidays gone for another 11 months.