Back from Davao. It was an okay trip, however feeling sorely out of place as a woman in a room full of 20+ or so senior military officials. (!!!) Still a good trip, considering it was my first one taken completely alone!
My luggage had the great misfortune of being stacked next to another piece probably filled with Durian. So now all my clothes smell like Durian, and my sister is whining that her luggage smells like Durian. Well, that's your punishment for breaking my luggage (well actually my dad did) last January.
Interesting links:
Powdered Beer on the Go invented by the Dutch Belgians deploy the military to combat caterpillars For those interested in the poster/logo designs of all international sporting events for the past XXX Years quixotic_sense, this might be of some interest to you.
Who finds this hideous? The London 2012 Olympics logo.
Is this why it's hideous? AND: For all designers out there,
maybe you can commiserate with me.