Sep 20, 2011 12:59

A new thought is what I need to cut me free from my entanglements... a new feeling...a new way of thinking... and a new way to act.
There are significant moments.  A..HA, moments in life where we glimpse the possibility of change.   A spark of an amazing revelation that will be the cause of significant change.  The important thing is to allow my natural curiosity and need to understand to propell me to something new.
I am talking about the private me.  The one that allows me to be happy and satisfied with my inner world.  And therefore...happy to the outside world.  The me that needs redirection when a death of someone or something leaves me licking my wounds and treading water,waiting for a glorious wave to push me forward. 
It always comes back to God and nature.  I need to remind myself to look.  Take the time to see.  Allow myself to feel God holding me in his loving embrace.  STOP. FEEL. THINK. LOVE.

Posted via LiveJournal app for Android.

spirituality, memory, learning, love, religion

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