You will probably recognize this as a Redbud Tree which is very common in milder climates. We in northern Ohio are pretty optimistic about the weather. So much so we will plant things that may fizzle or impress. Most years you will glimpse a bit of the pink in amongst the tender green of other trees as they bud. This year it is a bonanza. We had warm enough weather early that their branches started turning pink over a week ago. I thought for sure they would be gone with the freeze, but it must not have been too bad because here we are a week later and they provide a strong dash of pink to the landscape. Especially beautiful on my way to work.
The magnolias also made a nice show. Many times the flowers will come out just to be attacked by the cold where delicate pink and white blooms turn brown over a cold night.
Since we have had much sunlight from this weather pattern and many, many days above 60 degrees, everything is ahead of schedule. All my bulbs are pretty much blooming together. Most years they are spaced out by weeks. The early tulips will hang on longer if the temperature is more moderate than this year, but they were amazing while they lasted. They have been very pretty and much more plentiful with out the frost that kills some of the flowers.
All in all, it has been a great spring. Lots of color and pretty mild temps. Saturday was a very damp, put a fire in the fireplace kind of day, but today it is sunny with temps in the low 60's.
Ah Ohio, I do want to escape the dreary cold in the winter, but certainly am enjoying your bounty now.