Jan 13, 2010 22:22
Happy Birthday Mom
Forever, I will remember this day as 11 days before Dad died. I wonder if Mom can still remember that at this point in her dementia? It wasn't much of a birthday present for her when Dad's pacemaker battery finally went dead the morning of her birthday 4 years ago and they had an emergency situation on their hands. It always brings to mind that it might have all been different if medicare would have agreed to replace the battery in a more timely manner. Not that Dad would still be here, but maybe we could have kept him with us a bit longer and hopefully eased into this whole dementia thing with my Mom....with fewer missteps.
So what do you give Mom for her birthday? She no longer cares about her clothes. She doesn't need for anything. So we siblings decided on a bunch of pretty flowers and our company for dinner at Mitchell's Seafood in Woodmere.
I drove Mom to the restaurant and we did end up talking about Dad. She seemed matter of fact and aware that Dad survived more years than he ever thought possible, given his heart problems. Not just surviving, but living well for those extra years. And as the car turned left around Lander Circle she said, "He was a sweet man." That was just lovely to hear. Through the stages of her grief, my Mom would often show her anger that HE left HER, so I am happy her thoughts now are more true to her love of over 60 years.
Happy Day Mom