Jun 28, 2004 09:13
First impression: wow.
Second impression: still wow.
This movie was better than the first two - much better. The director has done his job pretty well, according to me. The filming techniques were darker and gave the movie that ambiance of danger that really fits with the story.
Not all the things and people I saw were exactly like I had imagined them (for example the Leaky Cauldron) but they were just great. The only one I didn't like was the man who played Lupin. Don't get me wrong, he is a very good actor, but he just isn't Lupin. Sirius, on the other hand, was exactly like I imagined him. But let's go on with the review :p
A lot of things were left out and I don't think that people who haven't read the book, will understand it. There are just too much 'holes' in it. There's no point where Lupin, or anyone else, explains to Harry that Remus, Peter, Sirius and James were the Marauders of the Marauders' Map. Harry never finds out that his father was a stag Animagus, which makes the appearance of his stag Patronus weird. Also, it's inexplicable that Lupin knows how to work the Marauders' Map. There were two women beside me, and they couldn't figure it out. Clearly, they hadn't read the books.
There was a LOT of tension between Ron, Hermione and Harry. Yep, they're growing up, that's clear. Especially the part when Buckbeak is killed, and Hermione embraces Ron. Lovely.
Draco, on the other hand, was a bit disappointing. He looked like a coward when Hermione punched him in the face. The Draco I know would've punched back instead of running away. But hey, you can't have it all.
And lots, lots of Remus/Sirius! Oh my... not that I'm a huge fan of that pairing, but still. When they're fighting in the Shrieking Shrak and Snape says:" You two bicker like an old married couple!", he's so right. They reminded me a bit of Elwin and Thór (Sarah? Did you notice that too? They have a lot of similarities.)
The new Dumbledore is a lot better than the old one. He looks so much...stronger, more like a wizard who is able to fight Voldemort, and still a trustworthy person who knows all your secrets. Or something like that :p
And that werewolve really looked like an alien or something. I hate him. In fact, I think that Sirius looked more like a werewolve than Remus did.
But in the end, it just was a great movie and I definitely have to go and see it a second time.