They will not pass..

Jul 29, 2011 14:40 poliphilo wrote.
They, being those who are trying again (,8599,2063952,00.html ) to force LJ to its knees, so those who oppose the corrupt Russian government will not have a platform any more to exchange information and free opinions. Well, NOT. This is the moment to support democracy and freedom, to follow blogs like this one: (google translator does a good enough job to understand what he is writing) and comment, telling them that we care, that those who think killing LJ they would kill free speech should think again, because that act itself of trying to obscure the site has gained the opposition much more attention all around the world than any blog entry on LJ could.

They are getting organized on G+ and Facebook too now, and this is a good thing, so DDOS-bombing just one site won´t have much sense any more.. and Google certainly is better equipped to handle these attacks.
Just don´t flee LJ now, they need us, back up your journals on DW or wherever, regularly, but continue to post here, and to support the communities. I have had a paid account from the beginning, and will continue to do so, for sure. This site has given me so much, and it is time to give something back.

This is a war, fought on a virtual terrain but for a very real scope: winning an election with corruption and threat. Let´s not look to the other side but behave like the free democratic people we all are proud and lucky to be!!

freedom, corruption, politics, russia, lj

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