..but what is going on right now in LJ is absurd, weird, scary, strange. I have no idea if this has to do with the new owners or some new bible basher wave swapping over us, but I HATE it and will not just sit down and wait it out.
One of my bestest LJ friends,
techno_goddesss has been ELIMINATED. Without a word of warning, without any reason, her LJ disappeared and her IP was blocked. I have known her for quite some time and can testify that her LJ does not contain ANYTHING which could be possibly interpreted as dangerous, erotic, extremist, terrorist, whatever.
techno_goddesss has never made a secret of being a lesbian. But that does not mean she has EVER written about any actions, thoughts or else that would not be acceptable even for a teenage audience. Or has it become a crime to be anything but heterosexual even IN THEORY lately, when I wasn't looking?
Her entries are about rennovating her house, skiing, going out with friends, going to church, making music, a few (COMPLETELY PLATONIC) crushes (and those entries were always friends locked), her work, her cats, her passion for organic food. And similar things. (R., if you can read this somehow, I hope I haven't violated any privacy issues here, but I wanted to give an idea just how HARMLESS your journal is. Let me know if I wrote anything you don't want to be out there and I'll cancel it!)
SO WTF is happening???? Other friends of mine suddenly had their entries put behind a cut without any idea why and how (entries speaking about having found a job, celebrating one's birthday with a nice meal, going to a singing audition. Stuff like that.) I know one needs to change one's "adult settings" in order to avoid that, but I simply don't understand what these entries have to do with adult content. Really.
Now, my LJ is certainly a LOT less tame than most of those. I always put the scary, TMI and erotic content behind cuts, same for the swearing, and most of my journal is friends only anyway, but so was
I don't want to lose 4 and a half years of entries (and I don't have time to back up the whole stuff. I simply dont). I don't want to be afraid of writing something which might get my journal cancelled from the face of the world. I don't want to lose contact with my dear, dear friends. I don't want to have to go elsewhere and build up a whole new existance, I really don't. I love LJ, and I just want it, and my friends, to continue to be there. I have always PAID for my account because I thought it right to do so, seen how much fun I was having with LJ. I don't want to see my friends disappear without even knowing why, and always fearing that I will be the next.
We all didn't need this, I think. And I really want to know what I can do to stop it from happening. Or at least know WHAT is happening. I don't really eat the Red Menace stuff, I think there is something else behind this. But what??????