I'm too tired to write much.. will certainly do so tomorrow.
Suffice to say that my first day marching with the band was a full success, after a few hitches during a trial run (I had some problems synchronizing occasional change in beating rhytm with maintaining the step) everything went very well and I got a lot of compliments too *feels validated*
Not high quality, alas, as taken with cell phones... but they give an idea :)
Me and one of the trumpets
With the drums
during rehearsal (I'm on the extreme left)
The day was an achievement also from another point of view. The road was even more curvy as expected, and quite a few people lost their breakfasts during the drive. I, to my own surprise, managed to avoid a)getting sick myself and b)panicking big time. I had a few anguished moments, but nothing unmanageable. I'm not usually somebody to heap big praise on myself, but I must say I am quite proud of how far I have come conquering this phobia of mine, it has been hard work and every little step is difficult and arduous, but the progress is becoming more than obvious. Go me :)