..there is a new community for you.
music_over_40 has been created for those among us who have already gone through those youthful years of Sturm und Drang, but nevertheless feel still very active and happy to make music, to sing, play, perform and dance.
If you want to talk about your experiences with others, be it bitching about being discriminated in choir in favour of some american idol teeny wonder (no offense for anybody younger reading this is intended here, I am only making FUN of ourselves ;-) or rejoicing over that wonderful velvety new timbre appearing in our voices, be it asking health advice or just sharing stories about the gig from hell.. singers, pianists, flutists, violinists, dancers, choir directors, composers, and all the rest of the musical universe, I'd be happy if you'd join me, and I'm sure we are going to have a ball!
All the best
(xposted shamelessly all over the place ;-)