Jun 11, 2008 21:20
Dana and I worked out again today. We tried some new stuff and now I'm even more excited about working out. I think we can really do this!
I took another walk too. I went down the road to this walking park/track thing and it was so pretty. There is a pond and trees and a playground and gazebos picnic tables. It is nice. I want to try to walk every day if I can now.
I have decided to make some goals to help me get where I want to be and to help be healthier.
A) Cut down on condiments. IE less ranch, mayo, sour cream on/with my food.
B) Cut down on the salt. I am a heavy salt eater, which I know is bad, so I am going to try not to add any salt and not to eat as much of it if I can help it.
C) Get back to my one coke a day, three non caffeinated cokes a week plan. I will admit that I have been cheating the last week or two but as of today I am back on it.
D) Drink water. I have always said this and done it for a little while but then quit. I am committed now. I'm going to bring water to work, drink a bottle every time I walk or work out and hopefully it will get me in the habit.
That's all I can think of for now. I think they are realistic and I can do them.
I am also thinking I will go get my textbooks for the summer semester tomorrow. I want to start looking them over and reading them so I am not so swamped in July.
I am working on baby gifts for my pen pal. She lives in Canada and we met over IAM. I am knitting her baby a scarf (In green, thanks Zak!), sewing bibs, and a stuffed animal.
w00t! life is good!
working out,