May 20, 2008 16:32
I'm becoming less defined, as days go by
Fading away, well you might say I'm losing focus
Kind of drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself
Sometimes, I think I can see right through myself
Ive been thinking the last couple of days and I think I am at the beginning of an identity crisis. I don't feel like myself anymore. A lot of the things that used to define me I either don't do anymore, or they just don't fit. This distresses me some. I feel disconnected. I'm here but I'm not really doing anything I love, I don't do anything worthwhile in my spare time. I don't know what happened.
I used to write, build/update/maintain websites, and listen to music religiously. These were the things I prided myself on and now I don't really do any of them. Ive grown softer and lost myself I think. I feel lost.
I used to be so creative and full of ideas. I am so blank now. I don't write because I cant come up with anything to write. I don't have a website because I have nothing to put on one and as I've said before I've lost my angst and so my music has become bland. Ive lost my fan-girl-ness and so i don't have the urge to worship like before.
I'm not striving for anything. I'm just coasting along. This month has zoomed by because all I do is wake up wishing i didn't have to go to work, go to work and think about going home, go home and do nothing until i go to bed and wish i didn't have to go to work. when in school i occasionally skim a book or write a paper when I'm doing nothing.
I've lost my edge.
I guess I am still fundamentally the same though. I copied this because I was going to count how many things I disagree with in it but after reading it I think it mostly still fits.
This is how I describe myself everywhere (facebook, IAM, myspace maybe)
I am (in no order) bisexual, modified, talkative, socially phobic, morbid, neurotic, helpful, a hard worker, an inside person, mostly androgynous, bored, studious, glam on the inside, non-religious, into music, sober, an avid TV watcher, a movie junkie, eccentric, stoic, odd, goth on the inside, non smoking, not a morning person, Frank-N-Furtur at RHPS, apathetic, not afraid to sing in public, not a good singer, a fan girl, doing some soul searching, growing up.
I still feel unresolved. I need a hobby.
Dana and I are working out now, which I like once we get there. I hate getting the motivation to go but once I'm there I like it.
Dana and I were playing around talking in broken Spanish last night and I realized that after 2 and a half years of it (one of which was honors) in middle and high school I barely know anything. I am going to start trying to learn it. Both to help me in life and to exercise my brain for once. Stimulate the cells again.
I don't know. I need to do something.
I am enjoying helping Dana with her publishing stuff. I wish I could find something to write about. Seriously write about. When you aren't experiencing anything though, it makes it hard to come up with something.
I'm sick of coasting.